Sitemap - 2023 - John Quiggin's Blogstack
George Packer's article in The Atlantic
The three-party system (rerun from 2016)
Australia and China turn a new leaf in economic relations
Geopolitics has already doomed the second nuclear renaissance
Remember the nuclear renaissance: well, it's over
Bernard Keane on why Labor should stick with Morrison's tax cuts
‘Progressive’ Labor is dead — supporting stage three tax cuts is pointless
COP28 deal confirms what Australia already knows: coal is out of vogue and out of time
Half-time for the Albanese government
Two charts in Australia’s 2023 climate statement show we are way off track for net zero by 2050
What is the actual economic benefit of the Grand Prix?
Another employer trying to drag workers into the office
In defence of effective altruism
Recipe for a one-term government, reheated
The Reserve Bank is not your friend
Can generational analysis be saved?
It’s good the High Court overturned Victoria’s questionable EV tax. But there’s a sting in the tail
Books and more that influenced me
Why the ‘drug dealers defence’ doesn’t work for exporting coal.
Living in the 70s: why Australia’s dominant model of unemployment and inflation no longer works
French Lesson: we don't need nuclear power, we need a new Pierre Messmer
As gas-guzzlers dominate our roads, the queue to buy an EV in Oz just gets longer
A weekend is a long time in politics
We can talk about a higher rate of GST in Australia, but it will never happen
The intergenerational report will try to scare us about ageing. It’s an old fear, and wrong
Second thoughts on the second HAFF
The Fragmentation of New Media
Against the Repugnant Conclusion
The limitarian implications of utilitarianism
How dangerous is the European far-right ?
Dutton wants Australia to join the “nuclear renaissance”
The Evolution of Working Hours: From the 8-Hour Day to the Four-Day Week
Labor shuffles to centre-right as three-party system waltzes in
Self-defence economics vs military economics
Why nuclear power won’t work in Australia
Yes, Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek approved a coal mine.
Looking forward to the Budget (not!)
To understand Albanese's politics, imagine him as the typical Labor voter
Job creation isn’t always a good thing.
Living in the US is like having a super-dangerous job
Gentlemen don’t read other gentlemen’s mail, yet again
Climate change, ironically,reduces the heat in the South China Sea
The meta-view from meta-nowhere
The case for AUKUS falls apart
Dominic Perrottet’s future fund ...
Have we reached electricity’s carbon-free tipping point?
MSM suckered on super tax concessions
Anti-presentism = anti-wokeism ?