Dutton (and nuke power advocates generally) still use frustratingly vague language to avoid explicit commitments to actually building a power plant. We should 'consider' having a 'debate' about nuclear being 'part of the mix' of new energy. It's been long enough guys ... do YOU want nuclear power or not?

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One wonders where Dutton sees the political gain coming from? Which group(s) are going to switch votes to the LNP because Dutton is advocating nuclear power? How would it wedge Labor? Which companies will donate more $ to LNP based on this policy. Where is the potential gain?

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Why is there not more of a focus on geothermal energy production?

"Geothermal energy is on the rise across the globe, both domestically and internationally. It’s being generated in more than 80 countries and is meeting the electricity needs of 60 million people across the globe. This economical and reliable energy source will continue to be utilized to an increasing degree as pressure mounts against the use of fossil fuels and the world searches for a stable, clean energy alternative. That potential is present with geothermal.

In fact, the heat emitted from the Earth within about 30,000 feet from the surface, could generate 50,000 times more energy than all global natural gas and oil sources combined! That’s a lot of heat, and a lot of energy potential."

"While solar and wind are still unable to compete with these high-carbon footprint heavyweights when it comes to providing baseload electricity, geothermal can. It can operate consistently at an availability rate of over 90% (the percentage of time that the plant produces energy). That’s impressive, especially when compared to coal, which sits at 75% availability.

What’s more, its price does not fluctuate like the price of oil, gas, or coal. It offers steady and clean energy without the volatility of fossil fuel energy prices. "


If true, these claims seem to imply that geothermal energy generation is a much better option than nuclear energy generation?

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Dutton is aware of his reputation, and wants something to be proud of when he retires.

I doubt he knows much about nuclear power.

Sadly, he was, still is, and ever will be a Gold Coast copper.

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