More likely, perhaps, is that $20k write-off proposal is only there to provoke ALP into more of the "mutual mudslinging" that will further turn off voters. Then, in the ballot box after months of petty name-calling, voters will be more likely to blame "government" and pencil in votes for others. Some of those votes will flow to the ratbag fringe & on to LNP, but the trouble for Dutton is that good community-based candidates will benefit. The reputation of the "cross-bench" has improved this term. Hopefully, bad-mouthers in the style of Lambie and street-brawlers like Albanese will feel the toe of the collective boot.

IMO the biggest stumbling block to root-and-branch reform of the property market, the gateway to meaningful hope for our grandchildren, is that so many MPs across the nation own so many dwellings in order to profit from existing tax laws. There's enough "personal enrichment" in that corner to ensure that bugger-all will be done about such an obvious source of inequity. But, let's not say a word about private schools, the engine-room of perpetual inequality.

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Remembering too that Dutton is getting lessons from Steve Bannon on how to win, the basic message being to keep flooding the zone with sh1t.

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I'm no economist but even I can see this is woeful policy. Anyway, Albo is such a depressing no hoper that Spud will almost certainly be our next PM.

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