John - be interest in your take on the total capital reporting frameworks of IIRC, ACCN etc often described as the 6 capital reporting framework. Wouldn't national reporting in this framework be a considerable advance on standard GDP reporting and wouldn't it be much better if an annual State of the Commonwealth presentation taking into account all stocks of capital and threats to them was the highlight of political year rather than just the narrow fiscal/financial focus of the Federal Budget?

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Pretty new to this blog so I may have missed any previous discussion of the topic. But interested to know what your basic take is on the Argentina vs Australia developmental divergence since 1900 or so. Should be easy to answer in a few paragraphs :)

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It was a big deal at the beginning of the micro reform period. There was a book called Australia and Argentina: On Parallel Paths which predicted doom for us if we didn't change our ways

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Jim Scott passed away, and I have always wondered about the relationship between "Seeing Like a State" and Hirschman's "Exit, Voice, and Loyalty," from both a structural and a behavioral perspective. As we are continually asked to assent, compromise, join, build, critique... how should we assess both what is practical for us as individual actors--and for those of us in one or more forms of political or corporate governance, what are the stressors/opportunities for effective engagement?

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